
Enhancing electrical safety with a global earth principle

Enhancing electrical safety with a global earth principle

Contec conducted a basic study to implement a global earth principle in an isolated high voltage electrical network (IT) for a client. This project aimed to:

  • Increase personal electrical safety
  • Prepare the client’s site for future developments

The challenge

Improving electrical safety in high voltage networks

The client needed to enhance personal electrical safety within their isolated high voltage electrical network (IT) at their site. This required a comprehensive understanding of the existing earthing and electrical network details and the development of a robust solution to manage earth fault currents and contact voltages.

Our approach

Safety study and implementation

Contec’s approach to this project included several key steps:

  • Inventory of existing systems: We conducted a thorough inventory of the existing earthing and electrical network details to understand the current setup.
  • Model development: We developed a model to calculate the earth fault current and contact voltage, providing a clear picture of the potential risks.
  • Concept design: Based on our findings, we created a concept to improve electrical safety. This concept was designed to be both effective and feasible for implementation.
  • Validation and collaboration: We validated the proposed solution in collaboration with the client and a Notified Body (NOBO) to ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations.

This comprehensive study not only increased personal electrical safety but also prepared the client’s site for future projects, ensuring a safer and more reliable electrical network.